Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Dear Mr Sakthi,

I hope all is well!

I would like to bring to your notice that it's mandatory to receive the reference for all of our employees in our concern from their academic or professional referees.

An academic referee means someone who has worked with you academically - such as a teacher, tutor, advisor, etc. who would be able to tell us about your suitability for working on one of our inland or overseas projects.

A professional referee means someone who has worked with you professionally - such as a coach, co-worker, boss, manager, supervisor, etc It needs to be someone who knows you well and has experience working with you. Also we can accept your neighbor or family doctor as your referee.

We would appreciate if you could send your reference from your referee soon.

I will look forward to hearing from you soon as your joining date is fast approaching.

With best wishes,

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